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October 31, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(LouisCrisk, 14. 11. 2022 13:16)
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Ukraine uses Cop27 to highlight environmental cost of Russia’s war - The Guardian
(LouisCrisk, 14. 11. 2022 9:56)
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Ukraine latest updates: Russian forces вЂrepel’ Ukrainian advances | Russia-Ukraine war News - Al Jazeera English
(LouisCrisk, 14. 11. 2022 3:21)
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Ukraine Plans Blackouts as It Braces for Extended Loss of Power - The New York Times
(LouisCrisk, 14. 11. 2022 0:04)
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Former Russian diplomat on Putin's ambitions in Ukraine - PBS NewsHour
(LouisCrisk, 13. 11. 2022 20:51)
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Inside the U.S. Effort to Arm Ukraine - The New Yorker
(LouisCrisk, 13. 11. 2022 17:26)
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Ukraine Warns Russia Is Seeking Iranian Missiles as Battle in Skies Escalates - The New York Times
(LouisCrisk, 13. 11. 2022 14:01)
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Europe concerned about U.S. resolve in Ukraine after midterms - The Washington Post
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October 29, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(LouisCrisk, 13. 11. 2022 7:27)
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The Words About Ukraine That Americans Need to Hear - The Atlantic
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Meet Zhan Beleniuk, Ukraine’s Olympic wrestler and first Black MP - Al Jazeera English
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Inside a US military cyber team’s defence of Ukraine - BBC
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